4 + 2 * 3
, we must understand both what the operators do, and the correct order to apply them. The order in which operators are evaluated in a compound expression is calledoperator precedence. Using normal mathematical precedence rules (which states that multiplication is resolved before addition), we know that the above expression should evaluate as 4 + (2 * 3) = 10
.3 * 4 / 2
, the multiplication and division operators are both precedence level 5. Level 5 has an associativity of left to right, so the expression is resolved from left to right: (3 * 4) / 2 = 6
.Prec/Ass | Operator | Description | Example |
1 None | :: :: | Global scope (unary) Class scope (binary) | ::g_nGlobalVar = 5; Class::m_nMemberVar = 5; |
2 L->R | () () () [] . -> ++ –– typeid const_cast dynamic_cast reinterpret_cast static_cast | Parenthesis Function call Implicit assignment Array subscript Member access from object Member access from object ptr Post-increment Post-decrement Run-time type information Cast away const Run-time type-checked cast Cast one type to another Compile-time type-checked cast | (x + y) * 2; Add(x, y); int nValue(5); aValue[3] = 2; cObject.m_nValue = 4; pObject->m_nValue = 4; nValue++; nValue––; typeid(cClass).name(); const_cast<int*>(pnConstValue); dynamic_cast<Shape*>(pShape); reinterpret_cast<Class2>(cClass1); fValue = static_cast<float>(nValue); |
3 R->L | + - ++ –– ! ~ (type) sizeof & * new new[] delete delete[] | Unary plus Unary minus Pre-increment Pre-decrement Logical NOT Bitwise NOT C-style cast Size in bytes Address of Dereference Dynamic memory allocation Dynamic array allocation Dynamic memory deletion Dynamic array deletion | nValue = +5;M nValue = -1; ++nValue; ––nValue; if (!bValue) nFlags = ~nFlags; float fValue = (float)nValue; sizeof(int); address = &nValue; nValue = *pnValue; int *pnValue = new int; int *panValue = new int[5]; delete pnValue; delete[] panValue; |
4 L->R | ->* .* | Member pointer selector Member object selector | pObject->*pnValue = 24; cObject->.*pnValue = 24; |
5 L->R | * / % | Multiplication Division Modulus | int nValue = 2 * 3; float fValue = 5.0 / 2.0; int nRemainder = 10 % 3; |
6 L->R | + - | Addition Subtraction | int nValue = 2 + 3; int nValue = 2 – 3; |
7 L->R | << >> | Bitwise shift left Bitwise shift right | int nFlags = 17 << 2; int nFlags = 17 >> 2; |
8 L->R | < <= > >= | Comparison less than Comparison less than or equals Comparison greater than Comparison greater than or equals | if (x < y) if (x <= y) if (x > y) if (x >= y) |
9 L->R | == != | Equality Inequality | if (x == y) if (x != y) |
10 L->R | & | Bitwise AND | nFlags = nFlags & 17; |
11 L->R | ^ | Bitwise XOR | nFlags = nFlags ^ 17; |
12 L->R | | | Bitwise OR | nFlags = nFlags | 17; |
13 L->R | && | Logical AND | if (bValue1 && bValue2) |
14 L->R | || | Logical OR | if (bValue1 || bValue2) |
15 L->R | ?: | Arithmetic if | return (x < y) ? true : false; |
16 R->L | = *= /= %= += -= <<= >>= &= |= ^= | Assignment Multiplication assignment Division assignment Modulus assignment Addition assignment Subtraction assignment Bitwise shift left assignment Bitwise shift right assignment Logical AND assingment Logical OR assignment Logical XOR assignment | nValue = 5; nValue *= 5; fValue /= 5.0; nValue %= 5; nValue += 5; nValue -= 5; nFlags <<= 2; nFlags >>= 2; nFlags &= 17; nFlags |= 17; nFlags ^= 17; |
17 L->R | , | Comma operator | iii++, jjj++, kkk++; |