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Structure of a program

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In every programming language there are various statements which are known as tokens in C++. Using these tokens C++ programs are written .There are following things which will be present in every C++ Program:-
·         Header Files
·         Functions
·         Statements and Expressions
Header Files:-These are the pre written C++ Programs which will help you to write your C++ Program.
Functions:-These are the group of statements which are written in between curly braces {} with a specific name for specific task. We will Explain the functions in details in upcoming post.
Statements and expressions:- The statements are written in program to do some specific task ,when we combines them these become  expressions(Like maths expressions).
Here is a example of C++ Program:-
#include <iostream>

int main()
   using namespace std;
   cout << "Hello world!" << endl;
   return 0;

Header Files:-    In this program #include <iostream> is a header file.

Function:-In this program is a int main()function .It has statements for a specific task.

Statements and expressions:-The code written in between {} is the statements and Expressions.The statements are here:-

   using namespace std;
   cout << "Hello world!" << endl;
   return 0;



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